With a precise touch, Henry employs a drill to expand the pilot holes to accommodate the stones snugly.

Each stone is then carefully lowered into its designated seat and metal is skillfully maneuvered over the edges to secure them in place for a lifetime of wear.

Next, he wields a graver skillfully, delicately crafting the iconic French-style cuts on each seat.

Henry deftly employs pliers to delicately secure the stone in place, gently squeezing the tips of the prongs over the top.

Henry uses a hart bur to cut the seat for the stone. The seat is essentially a small notch that is carved into the inner surface of each prong. When your gemstone is placed onto this seat, it helps to hold it firmly in place, preventing it from shifting or becoming loose over time.

He then cleans, polishes, and steams the ring as the final step. This ensures the perfect finish to reflect the beauty of the craftsmanship and your stones.

Before drilling the settings for the stones, Henry lines them onto the metal to ensure that they fit accurately.