Some possibilities for the halo design, based on various Armenian motifs.

An initial concept for the design, taking some of the furling wing elements of khachkar.

The winning halo design.

A possible design for the halo, with pomegranate shapes in between the compass points around the center stone.

Detail of a traditional Khachkar that served as inspiration for the north, south, east, and west points in the halo.

Traditional Armenian art inspired this ring design, with bold, curling elements and clean and precise points.

A more minimal shank detail, this design was based on wheat style engraving, which was the first style of engraving used on engagement rings.

The furling elements of this Khachkar served as inspiration for the wings on the sides of the ring.

One of the first concepts for the side details of the ring, based on the furling details of Armenian Khachkar.

A more Art Deco inspired detail for the supports of the halo.

The first iteration of the lovely wings that detail the top portion of the ring's band.

An initial sketch of the Forget-Me-Nots on the shank of the ring.