Artist at work...

Hiep D
Gold & Platinumsmith

Hiep began his impressive career in the jewelry industry here in Washington state. He was hired as an apprentice for a master jeweler working out of Bellevue in 1994. The decades of knowledge passed down from his teacher helped Hiep develop his ultimate passion of resetting customer’s stones into new pieces of art, which he describes as his favorite part of the job!

Hiep relocated from his hometown of Hue, Vietnam to America in 1989. Throughout his life he has maintained a range of passions outside of jewelry. He is a retired soccer defender, river and deep sea sport fisherman, and a culinary arts enthusiast. As well, he has tended to a lush zen garden over the past 30 years. The dedication, elegance, and precision seen in his garden is an accurate reflection of his gorgeous metalwork - where each piece he works on is a carefully crafted and cultivated labor of love.